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JP student Kim Popendorf working in the ship lab.

JP student Kim Popendorf working in the ship lab.
JP student Kim Popendorf working in the ship lab.
JP student Kim Popendorf working in the ship lab.
JP student Kim Popendorf working in the ship lab.
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Koblizek, Michal
JP student Kim Popendorf working in the ship lab.
Still Image
Caption from Oceanus magazine, Vol. 49, No. 1, page 23:
In experiments at sea, MIT/WHOI graduate student Kim Popendorf filters seawater samples through wafers with tiny pores to collect microbial cells.
Image of The Day caption:
WHOI/MIT Joint Program PhD candidate Kim Popendorf filters seawater to collect microbial cells onboard R/V Oceanus in 2008. Each filter can hold more than 250 million cells--equivalent to the population of 30 New York Cities. Microbes are chemists of the ocean; some of them transform raw ingredients into food for bigger animals, others break down complex compounds into raw ingredients. Popendorf is studying new ways to identify microbes and what jobs they do.
Photo by Michal Koblizek, Czech Academy of Sciences
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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